Much Ado About Socialism

 Nothing is bigger right now in political debates than the word "Socialism". I'm not talking about the dictionary definition- I very much doubt the president who said "America will never be a socialist country" could give a valid definition. No, I mean "Socialism" as it's used in those debates; any form of tax that is not direct fee for service, and any form of spending other than the courts and the military. Things like property tax, inheritance tax, social security, free college, healthcare, etc. I mean, who came up with these things, Karl Marx?

No, it was our own founding fathers! The most eloquent on these topics was Thomas Paine, the intellectual firebrand whose pamphleteering laid out the moral and philosophical underpinning for the American revolution- that Thomas Paine. His pamphlet, Agrarian Justice explained the justifications for, and a plan to implement, all of the above.

He begins with the concept that land is the ultimate non-renewable resource, and therefore is the joint property of all mankind. Yes, exclusive use of property must be recognised for best use and productivity, but your "deed" is really just a lifetime lease- and every time it changes hands, by sale or inheritance, a tax must be paid to the real owners, we the people.

Think collective ownership is a communist, un-American concept? But that's how the US has treated intellectual property from day one! What could be more intimately and undeniably yours than your own thoughts and dreams? It's not like land, which you merely occupy; these are your creations! And yet copyrights and patents only grant exclusive use for a set period of time, after which they become the property of all mankind! 

But Paine did not intend these funds to go into the general government coffers, they were to be returned to the people in two ways. The first was a system of pensions for the disabled and the elderly. And by the way, his proposed retirement age was 50- because though you may live to three score and ten, odds were that by 50 you'd likely be too worn out to do real work anymore. Contrast that with politicians of today who want to extend retire out past 70 to balance the budget!

The other way the money was to be distributed back to the people was by a one time lump payment when you reach the age of majority, equalling about 18 months average salary, to be used for either college or starting a business! (He realized not all were destined for college)  

So all these things being denounced today are not only not socialist, they're as American as apple pie! And, as the entire industrialized world save us prove, workable as well. 
