
Much Ado About Socialism  Nothing is bigger right now in political debates than the word "Socialism". I'm not talking about the dictionary definition- I very much doubt the president who said "America will never be a socialist country" could give a valid definition. No, I mean "Socialism" as it's used in those debates; any form of tax that is not direct fee for service, and any form of spending other than the courts and the military. Things like property tax, inheritance tax, social security, free college, healthcare, etc. I mean, who came up with these things, Karl Marx? No, it was our own founding fathers! The most eloquent on these topics was Thomas Paine, the intellectual firebrand whose pamphleteering laid out the moral and philosophical underpinning for the American revolution- that Thomas Paine. His pamphlet, Agrarian Justice explained the justifications for, and a plan to implement, all of the above. He begins with the concept that